From gaming to learning: a metaverse NFT course

November 20, 2024
Notas sobre NFTs

When was the last time you took a course that felt more like playing your favorite video game than sitting in a classroom? That’s exactly what happened to me when I enrolled in the NFTs and Metaverse course offered by the University of Nicosia and Punk 6529, one of the most respected collectors and investors in the NFT space.

At first, I thought I'd keep my notes private in Obsidian. But the course was so revolutionary that I knew I had to share it. So here’s my experience, insights, and everything you need to know about this groundbreaking learning experiment.

What makes this course unlike anything else?

  1. A 3D Classroom in the Open Metaverse: Forget traditional tools like Slack or Teams. Classes take place in a fully immersive 3D environment. Picture this: you walk, run, and even jump through campus using gaming keys (W, A, S, D) and a spacebar. Portals lead you to different spaces, and you can chat live with peers and instructors. It’s like stepping into a multiplayer game... but you’re learning about cutting edge tech.
  2. Decentralized, Blockchain based enrollment: Here’s where it gets wild: enrolling in the course wasn’t just filling out a form. I had to mint an NFT on Ethereum, a process akin to coining digital money. This NFT acts as my access pass, stored safely in my Ethereum wallet. No central database, no middleman. Just me, my wallet, and blockchain magic.
  3. "On Chain" education: This is the first course ever conducted entirely on chain. What does that mean? All student data is decentralized. Traditional sign-ups rely on centralized databases that could be altered or shut down. With blockchain, simply owning the NFT guarantees your access, forever. No one can revoke it.
  4. Airdropped course materials: The University of Nicosia can airdrop PDFs and recorded sessions directly to students’ wallets. Unfortunately, as this course is a pilot, the airdrop feature was paused after the first few sessions. But the potential here is game changing for decentralized education.

What are NFTs and why should you care?

NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens) are unique digital assets living on the blockchain. Think of them as digital certificates proving ownership of anything, from art to access to exclusive communities. And it’s not just hype. NFTs represent a new era of social conventions.

Here’s an example: when you buy a house, you don’t physically move the property; you transfer ownership via a title deed. NFTs are similar... they’re the digital deeds that point to something valuable, tangible or intangible.

Why does it matter that this course was "On Chain"?

Blockchain ensures transparency and security. Unlike traditional systems, where someone controls the data, blockchain is decentralized. It’s like a notary on steroids, verifying and storing transactions publicly and permanently.

This course uses Ethereum, one of the most robust blockchains. Ethereum also supports smart contracts... self executing agreements that make NFTs possible. Here’s the breakdown of Ethereum token standards:

  • ERC-20: For fungible tokens (e.g., cryptocurrencies).
  • ERC-721: For unique NFTs.
  • ERC-1155: A hybrid for multiple token types, popular in gaming.

The Social Experiment: Learning in a 3D world without central databases

This isn’t just a course; it’s a glimpse into the future of education and community building. What happens when a group of people interacts without centralized control? This course explores how NFTs and blockchain can redefine how we learn, create, and connect.

Where are NFT data stored?

NFTs don’t always store everything on the blockchain due to cost. Here’s how it works:

  1. Decentralized Storage:
    • IPFS: A peer-to-peer network that stores files securely and uniquely.
    • Arweave: A service offering permanent storage for a one time fee.
  2. Centralized Storage: Though less ideal, some NFTs still use centralized servers.

Final thoughts: Why this course blew my mind

This course isn’t just about learning NFTs and blockchain, it’s about experiencing them. It’s a hands on exploration of how this tech can disrupt education, art, and even societal conventions. And let’s be honest: walking through a metaverse campus is way cooler than sitting on Zoom.

If you’re fascinated by innovation, this course will change how you see the future.

Want to support my work or learn more?

  • Subscribe to my blog here
  • Buy me a coffee here
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Let’s explore the future together 🚀

Cover photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash

Mariana Constantin

Hola, soy Mariana Constantin.

Nací y me crié en Oberá, Misiones, pero a los 23 años me mudé a Buenos Aires. Mientras estudiaba Ingeniería Civil, comencé a trabajar para pagarme el alquiler y los gastos de vida. Con el trabajo me di cuenta que no me gustaba la ingeniería y que quería dedicarme al arte, así que arranqué la carrera de Diseño y Animación Digital.

El diseño me llevó a tomar contacto con la descentralización y la IA por primera vez, al comprender que vender obras de un artista siempre implicaba un tercero... Pero que la blockchain resolvía ese problema. Luego aprendí que con la IA podía hacer algunas cosas más rápido y enfocarme en las más importantes delegando en modelos de IA lo que no tenía valor para mi.

Mi investigación inicial terminó en Oncyber, un metaverso, creando mi primera exposición artística en un mundo virtual. Pero las obras las había creado usando la inteligencia artificial generativa de Midjourney. Y estas obras no eran simples JPEGs, eran NFTs para poder comercializarlas en ese mundo virtual utilizando blockchain.

El arte me condujo a la tecnología. La tecnología me llevó a Lisboa, donde gané (con un equipo) un hackatón web3 con una solución sustentable, después a San Francisco porque construí usan IA una app web que ayuda a negocios a iniciar un camino sostenible, y luego a Miami, porque conseguí un contrato en una startup de Silicon Valley que usa IA para combatir la epidemia de soledad en el 1er mundo.

En este viaje, descubrí la gran brecha en el acceso a la información entre el hemisferio norte y el sur, donde aún no tenemos resueltos ni el techo ni la comida. Y decidí aportar mi granito de arena traduciendo al español todos los conocimientos que adquiero y me parecen interesantes.

Que lo disfrutes!

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